Don’t miss out! In partnership with purdicom and CertaUPS, we’re currently offering a discount on Uninterruptible Power Supplies.

Weather experts are warning us about a big drop in temperatures and strong winds heading our way. This kind of weather can cause power problems, which might lead to major disruptions to your school.

But here's a solution: a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). It can't change the weather, but it will give you a backup power source. This means your systems keep running even if there's a power cut.

An uninterruptible power supply or uninterruptible power source (UPS) is basically a battery. It provides power back-up. Anywhere there is an appliance, especially if it is business-critical, a UPS system should be a major consideration. A UPS system will provide emergency power when the power source or mains power fails.

So, why chose CertaUPS?

•  Hold up to £2.5million in UPS stock in the UK

•  Offer UPS systems from 800VA – 30kVA

•  Offers industry leading warranties and technical support

•  Beats competitors in like for like comparisons

CertaUPS power solutions have been designed exclusively to deliver industry leading backup power resilience.

• Keep your power steady during a power surge.

• Keep power to your servers and networks during a power cut.

• Ensure critical communication equipment doesn’t fail due to power loss.

• Ensure your IT team can close servers down properly and safely

Get in touch

Email us on, call us on 0345 247 2472